The Brookfield Art Show held annually at the show will showcase more than 150 works from local and interstate artists across sections that include oil, acrylic, water colours and mix media.
Our region on canvas
Many of the landscapes presented at the show are famous landmarks within Brisbane’s western corridor and tell a story of how region that runs from Indooroopilly out to the Moggill Ferry has become a much loved part of Australia.
Brookfield Show Society president, Dan Petrie said last year’s art competition set an already high standard but also welcomed more new entrants displaying their works at the show.
“It is a credit to our incredible Art Stewards, Christin Fegan and Magda Kuiken who run such an amazing competition.
“Art has become one of the most viewed sections of the shows and while the standard is obviously very high, it is pleasing to see so many in the community entering competitions,” Mr Petrie said.
Entering a competition