1. Licensing
Brookfield Show Society Members’ Bar is a Licenced venue. Liquor licensing law in Queensland prevents Brookfield Show Society Inc from supplying liquor to disorderly, unduly intoxicated, and underage persons. Patrons showing signs of undue intoxication or disorderly behaviour will be refused service and may be asked to leave the Members’ Bar. Patrons must abide by the terms of Restricted Liquor Permit No 169533 (attached).
Note that no alcohol is to be consumed on the pony club deck.
Note well: All drinks, alcoholic or not, must be purchased from the Bar. Bringing drinks into the venue is not permitted.
2. Tentative Bookings
Tentative bookings will be held for seven (7) days only. The date is only confirmed when the booking fee is received together with a signed booking form (ideally via the online form). Brookfield Show Society reserves the right to cancel a tentative booking and allocate the venue to another client if the booking fee is not received within seven (7) days.
3. Booking/Timing Arrangements/Decorating
The grounds have a number of different areas available for hire (e.g. Brookfield Hall), but there is a maximum of one (1) function booked at any given time at the property. Before celebrants, or photographers are booked, or invitations are printed, please make sure Brookfield Show Society has confirmed in writing a start time for the event, ceremony, or wedding to avoid misunderstandings. Please discuss with the contact person set up/pack up times for outside decorators.
Decorating of the Members’ Bar excludes the use of nails, pins, tape or any other instrument that may damage the fabric of the Bar. Plans for significant decoration of the Bar must be negotiated with and approved by the Bar committee before hire.
4. Cancellations
Intent to cancel a booking must be submitted in writing. The booking fee is not refundable nor transferable. Bookings may be transferred to another date at a $100 fee.
5. Children and Minors
All children under 18 must be strictly supervised and remain with parents or
guardians at all times, during the function.
7. Staffing
At least two (2) Brookfield Show Society staff member must be always present to operate the bar. The cost of staff is included in the hire fee. Brookfield Show Society however reserves the right to separately charge the Hirer if an excessive number of staff are required for the function.
8. Insurance/Damages
The Hirer is responsible for any loss or damage inflicted on the venue or equipment during the period of hire. All breakages or damages will be paid for from the booking fee/bond paid for hire of the venue. In the case of damage that exceeds this amount, the Hirer will be invoiced for the balance of the cost of the damages. Brookfield Show Society is careful when looking aft er its guests and their belongings. However, Brookfield Show Society cannot accept responsibility for the loss or damage to any property of the Hirer or the Hirer’s guests during the period of the hire.
9. Smoking
Smoking in the buildings and within four (4) metres of an entrance is strictly prohibited and is only allowed in designated areas.
10. Rubbish
Any rubbish generated that is separate from use of the bar and its contents must be removed from the venue by the Hirer. Cleaning is included in the hire feenbut the general presentation on and furnishings of the bar must be returned to its original state at the end of the hire. The cost of any additional cleaning will be invoiced to the Hirer.
11. Patron Conduct
The Hirer agrees to begin the event at the scheduled time and agrees that all guests, invitees, and other persons must vacate the Members’ Bar at the scheduled finishing time. All guests of the Hirer(s) must conduct themselves in an orderly manner and in full compliance with applicable laws. The Hirer(s) must ensure no disturbances or nuisances will be caused to any guests, visitors, or neighbours of the Brookfield Showground.
12. Time Limits
A function at The Members’ Bar is not permitted to finish later than 11.30 pm. All music and amplified sound must stop by 10.00pm (see also, Noise section below). The bar will cease service 30 minutes before the designated finish time.
13. Security
Events that have more than 150 people require the employment of Security
guards. The event licensing permit that the Brookfield Show Society has with the Brisbane City Council states the ratio of one (1) security guard for every 150 people. The use of security staff must be discussed well before the event with the Brookfield Show Society contact person.
14. Force Majeure
Brookfield Show Society will not be liable for any failure, default or delay caused by an event such as acts of God, fire, flood, storm, or threats of, or acts of, violence, that occur beyond the reasonable control of BSS. If there is a force majeure, notice will be provided as soon as reasonably practicable and there will be no further liability to the Hirer relating to the function nor will any further funds be payable by the Hirer relating to the function. All money paid by the Hirer before the date of the force majeure will be refunded to the Hirer. Brookfield Show Society is not responsible for any additional costs incurred or for consequential loss of any nature.
15. Indemnity
15.1 Whether the Hirer has public liability insurance or not, the Hirer shall hold harmless, indemnify, and must keep indemnified Brookfield Show Society, its employees, servants, officers, and agents against any legal liability, cost, expense, loss, damage, or claim threatened, suffered or incurred by or against Brookfield Show Society, its employees, servants, officers, or agents howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, because of personal injury or death, or loss of or damage to any property arising from -
(a) the hire of the Members’ Bar; or
(b) any claim made or threatened by any person against Brookfield Show Society, that relates to the Hire Agreement.
15.2 Brookfield Show Society is not liable under any circumstances (including for any breach of contract, negligence, or any other conduct) for any direct, indirect, economic, special, or consequential loss or damage of any nature whatsoever, howsoever arising from or related to the Hire Agreement.
15.3 Any conflict, inconsistency, or apparent contradiction between any terms of the Hire Agreement shall be resolved at the absolute discretion of Brookfield Show Society.
16. Noise
All music, amplified noise, speakers, PA systems, bands and soloists MUST be kept entirely inside the bar building (for the sake of clarity this does NOT mean under external awnings or veranda eaves, but means wholly within and inside the bar building.
As per the Time section above, all music and amplified sound must cease by 10.00pm.
The Bar must be vacated by 11.30pm in a peaceful manner showing due respect to the local community and surrounding businesses.
Failure to comply with noise or fuming restrictions will initiate an escalation as
Step 1: The BSS Bar staff will request noise to be reduced, turned off or relocated and/or stop the function and vacate the premises if past 11.30pm.
Step 2: If this is not complied with the BSS Bar staff will contact an executive who will attend the Bar and insist on compliance with the above request.
Step 3: If Step 2 is not complied with, police will be called, power shut off and event immediately ceased.
17. Earlier agreements
The parties agree that this Hire Agreement supersedes and replaces any earlier agreement which may have been in place between them.